Photos(15.12.2019) We're happy to present photos from our competition: Teams, Closing ceremony, General. The Packet task(Dec 10th, 2019)
We've choosen "G" to be the Packet task problem, which you're to to code and solve in the Packet cloud. After-contest by Packet(Dec 8th, 2019)
Thank everyone for participating in XII MWPZ by PROWOC. It was a great success to have parallell competition in 4 major cities in Poland. Results(Dec 7th, 2019)
Results will be available here: ranking. Track the resultsInformation(Dec 3rd, 2019)
We encourage you to check Schedule, in which you'll find the updated schedule of the contest and our travel recommendations. Registration is closed(Nov 29th, 2019)
We've just closed the registration. There are 124 teams registered for the competition. Only one week left to our championship! Update: there's 125 teams! 123 teams!!!(Nov 26th, 2019)
We haven't organized the contest in 2017 and 2018, but still 123 teams had registered!! It means more than 350 contestants. Take a look at team list. You're the best!! PS. Some of our friends at AMU (UAM) had reorganized their classes (thanks Marcin G.!) and we still have some open spots (locations: UJ and UAM). Registration(Nov 18th, 2019) Thank you for the registration!! In 2 days we'll verify current team list, who filled the form on time, send confirmation to all team members and we'll try to find out some free spots for more teams. You can find more information on the registration site: Registration. Hotels(Nov 12th, 2019) We're happy to announce accommodation information for all participants from outside of Poznan. New locations(Nov 4th, 2019)
It's our pleasure to welcome next co-host of MWPZ - Warsaw University. We now have 4 venues: Kraków, Poznań, Warszawa i Wrocław :)) (Update: We have another Universities willing to coorganize next year) :) Registration(Nov 1st, 2019)
Registration is going great. The acceptance is decided by the order of applications, and the deadline is Nov 17th, 2019. Registration opened(Oct 7th, 2019)
We have opened a registration for XII MWPZ! Feel invited! :) Registration(Oct 1st, 2019)
W pierwszym tygodniu października uruchamiany rejestrację na tegoroczne MWPZ. Już się nie możemy doczekać :))) MWPZ by PROWOC(Sep 17th, 2019)
MWPZ has always been an open competition. Our goal is to show that science is open and in algorithms and programming world all people are equal, regardless of wealth, nation, geographical location. We want to create an international community focused on the idea of team programming. For this purpose we will have to change our organization a little bit :) Read about MWPZ and PROWOC MWPZ a little different(Sep 15th, 2019)
It seems that thanks to the courtesy of our colleagues from the University of Wrocław and the Jagiellonian University we will have two remote locations for Junior category teams in Wrocław and Kraków this year. This means we're open for team that cannot travel to Poznan. UWr and UJ are distinguished not only by the level of education, but also by the support of the community :) We encourage other universities (we'd hear rumores there may be more locations), high schools or institutions to organize computer workstations and to be a local host-organizer of the MWPZ :) Tasks, Judges(Sep 1st, 2019)
It's our pleasure to inform that in August we had formed Judges team. XII MWPZ!(Mar 23rd, 2019)
Great news. We know the date of XII MWPZ - it's Dec 6-7th, 2019. MWPZ 2.0!XII MWPZ will be a little bit different. Stay tuned.
Wyniki XI MWPZ!
We would like to thank all the competitors who came to Poznań for the XI Mistrzostwa Wielkopolski w Programowaniu Zespołowym.
Congratulations to the team of Jagiellonian Arachnoquake, who won this year's competition! We invite you to next year's edition!
Ranking is available here. Facebook i TwitterObserwuj @MWPZty Tweetnij |
Organizers:![]() ![]() Available locations:PoznańKraków Warszawa Wrocław |